Sunday, August 30, 2015

Eureka! We have a comparable situation in the Muchmore film to the Moorman photo. The motorcade was leftward of the photographer as they passed her, and she was shooting the Kennedys from behind.

Do you see that black crescent in the lower right corner? That is BJ Martin's left arm. Not his right arm, but his left arm. And I can prove it by inching the motorcade forward for a tiny fraction of a second. This is as fast as I can left-click the mouse. 

Then, as Hargis comes into view, we get our first glimpse of a right arm- barely.

It's just barely peaking out there on the right side of Hargis. We're not getting much. Why does Martin seem so far forward compared to Hargis when he was actually behind him? It's because of the perspective, the angle from which the photographer was shooting. The same thing happened to Marie Muchmore when she filmed towards Elm Street; she showed Martin leftward in the picture there too.

Notice that that is Martin's motorcycle we're seeing. He was behind Hargis, yet his motorcycle is completely covering up the bike of Hargis from Marie's perspective. 

And the same thing happened in the Moorman photo. The front bike wheel that we see is that of Martin's bike. 

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