Thursday, August 20, 2015

This is a fabulous page about Oswald by Tina Foster. I don't know who she is.

But, she addresses the whole claim about Oswald, the 8th grade dropout, teaching himself Russian. I had heard of Zack Stout, one of Lee's Marine buddies from Atsugi, but Tina provided an exact quote from him: 

I know Oswald didn’t attend any Russian classes or read any Russian books or listen to any Russian records. He didn't have anywhere to get such materials and if he had them we would have known about it... The idea that Oswald studied Russian in Japan is ridiculous - it just didn't happen. Zack Stout

It gets complicated because after both Harvey and Lee returned from the Far East, Harvey wound up at Santa Ana and Lee wound up at El Toro in Southern California. They were only 12 miles apart. 

But, it was the Oswald at Santa Ana, whom we call "Harvey" that was known to speak Russian. Nobody at El Toro ever reported the  Oswald there doing anything with Russian.

But, with no evidence of any Russian-dabbling while in the Far East, how could Oswald, either of them, pass a Russian proficiency test in January 1959? The very idea is preposterous. We are talking about Russian here. 

We are not talking about Spanish here. We are talking about Russian, which is logarithmically harder. It's on a totally different order of difficulty. And remember, it's not as though Oswald could study 12 hours a day. He was a Marine. He was doing his Marine stuff. The amount of free time he would have had to devote to it was minimal. Yet, he passed a proficiency test in just a couple months? 

And note that people who testified as to Oswald's Russian-speaking ability indicated that he showed up at Santa Ana in the fall of 1958 already proficient, that he could speak it and read it. DelGado said that Oswald offered to teach him some Russian. So, from the time he arrived at Santa Ana, Oswald was Russian-savvy. And that means he learned it in no time at all.

I know it is too much to expect Oswald accusers to be reasonable. They don't do reasonable. The religion of statism demands that they honor the official story of the JFK assassination no matter how unreasonable it is. It's a matter of patriotism to them; patriotism at its most ugly.  

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