Friday, August 28, 2015

How come the whole structure seems to be sloping down to the right in the Moorman photo but not in the recreation?

Do you see how there is a bit of a Leaning Tower of Pisa effect in the Moorman photo? Do you see how it's tipped a little to the right? It's sloping downward to the right. Why is that? I'll tell you why. 

First look at the recreation as a whole:

Notice how you see the slope in the road from our right to our left. It's higher on the right and lower on the left. You see it angling down to the left. 

But, in the Moorman photo, you don't see the slope. Why is that? 

So, in the Moorman photo, we have what appears to be a sloping structure on the right. Compare it to the top of the picture. Shouldn't it be parallel to the the top of the picture? But, we also have the absence of the downward slope in the road from right to left. Why? 

I say it's because the Moorman photo wasn't taken on 11/22/63. It was taken after that. It was a Polaroid taken of a photo that Babushka Lady took. But first, they took a cookie-cutter to it to remove the rectangle that they wanted. But, that took away all its bearings to the actual conditions. And that's why we don't see the slope in the road in the Moorman photo, as we should, and instead, we see a slope in the building going the other way. Well, if you, in effect, twist the photo clockwise to eliminate the slope in the road, it's also going to slope the building downward to the right. 

The Moorman photo is a crop from Babushka Lady's photo, but they twisted the cookie-cutout a little bit. Otherwise, how do you explain why Jack White captured the slope of the road and the Moorman photo did not?  

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