This is breathtaking. It is Anthony Summer's account of what Ruby did on Friday, and he says that he hung around the Dallas PD all afternoon, for about 5 hours.,+Oswald&source=bl&ots=CCj-bOcwe4&sig=ACfU3U2Q9KiDy6aQcME57SVZXNxpAOGODg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiG6bPD-8flAhUKjq0KHVkyCvkQ6AEwAHoECAgQAQ#v=onepage&q=they%20told%20Ruby%20that%20someone%20ought%20to%20shoot%20that%20guy%2C%20Oswald&f=false
Then, in the evening, he had him leave there and go to the synagogue and then come back.
But, this is Ruby's account, in which he gave detailed description of everything he did Friday afternoon and evening, and he said that he did not go to the PD until he went there to deliver sandwiches, and he didn't even get the sandwiches until 10:30 PM. So, according to Ruby, it was close to 11 PM that he got to the PD for the first time that day.
You may have to cut and paste this:
Now, who are you going to believe? Ruby had no reason to lie about this. And there is no evidence that Ruby lied about anything.
So, why did this story surface about Ruby spending the afternoon at the police department? It was because they wanted to show that he was obsessed with Oswald and stalking Oswald. He wasn't. And the thought of hurting Oswald never entered his mind, not even as a passing thought. He never had so much as a notion about it. In fact, Jack Ruby said that it never occurred to him that anybody would try to hurt Oswald. He said that even he, Oswald, was entitled to his day in court and was "innocent until proven guilty." That's a deep-seated conviction, and if he had it, then the even the idea of him shooting Oswald impulsively fades away.
Jack Ruby did not shoot Oswald. He was innocent. Framed and innocent. And that is the new frontier of the JFK assassination. And if you realize that Oswald was innocent, that he did not shoot Kennedy or Tippit, (or shoot at Walker, for that matter), if you dispute the whole official story of the JFK assassination but you continue to support the official story of the Oswald assassination, then you are in the dark. You are under their thumb. You are doing their bidding. And there is no light in your world. The only way to understand what happened that weekend is to realize that Jack Ruby was tricked into thinking he shot Oswald- and the whole country was likewise tricked with a sleight of hand trick that was done in the garage to bamboozle everybody. Oh, but for the wickedness of it all, the mental manipulation and abuse that was heaped on Jack Ruby and on all of us! Don't you get it? We were all Pavlov dogs that weekend.
Pete Hymans Amazing what can be discovered 57-years after an event.
I wonder if Ruby knew he was to be sacrificed in this Big Event as collateral damage.
I wonder if Ruby knew he was to be sacrificed in this Big Event as collateral damage.
- Ralph Cinque Thank you, Pete. I think Ruby was mentally gone. His memory was fine. But, his ability to figure anything out was hopeless. And I consider him the most abused man in history. At least Oswald had his wits about him and could fight back those last two days of his life. And he championed his innocence quite well. He came across very well at the Midnight Press Conference. But, Ruby never vouched for himself. Twice that I know of he tried to say that it was 10:15 that he went to the WU office, but he was correctly corrected that, no, it was 11:15, and he just accepted it. Even though he had no memory of shooting Oswald and no intent to do so, he just couldn't stand up to them. They told him he did it, and he just accepted it.