Friday, October 18, 2019

Three cheers for Alec Baldwin, who said this:
"I don’t think anyone involved in the college fraud cases should go to prison. That includes past cases as well." "Community service, fines, yes. But prison time, no."
"My heart goes out to Felicity, Bill Macy and their family."
Then he added in response to someone who criticized him:
"Community service is better. The demonization of wealth in this country is mind-blowing. A country built on both freedoms and commerce. Now, all success is scrutinized. Merely to succeed, especially financially, invites scrutiny, judgment, abuse."
He's right. These people didn't kill anybody. For a government that has killed well over a million people, including women and children, in places like Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and Yemen, to be wielding moral authority over them for trying to finagle their kids into elite schools, for goodness sake: it was just 2 weeks ago that we killed over 30 pine nut harvesters in Afghanistan, and then we bombed our 9th wedding party. Do they not know that women and children attend weddings, or do they just not care? Those kids aren't going to any colleges, neither elite nor mainstream.

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