Friday, September 11, 2020

The official story has it that Jack Ruby snuck past Officer Roy Vaughn. Do you believe it? It was an 8 foot wide ramp. That's a narrower, smaller space than a Walmart Greeter has to guard, and I've seen 90 year olds, on portable oxygen and a walker, do it, and do it well. The idea that a strapping 29 year old policeman couldn't do it, is not only stupid; it's insane. Officer Roy Vaughan swore to his last breath that Jack Ruby did NOT get past him. He hired a lawyer. And when the movie Executive Action came out in 1973, just 10 years after the assassination, depicting Vaughan as the screw-up that day, he sued. And he won! The producers made an undisclosed settlement with him. I wonder how much they paid him. And I wonder where the money came from. 

Yes, it is insane to think that after the Dallas Police made the most gargantuan effort to protect Oswald (cough,cough, hack, hack) that the weak link in the chain was Officer Roy Vaughan. 

Now, some people, who want to cling to the fantasy that Ruby shot Oswald, realize that it's crazy to pin it on Roy Vaughan. So, what they do instead is jump to claiming that Ruby got in another way, and that he lied about it. It usually goes that somebody in the Dallas PD opens a door for him and let him in. But, there is no evidence for that. There are no witnesses for it. And there is no basis to think that it's possible. How could Ruby have been in a conspiracy with the Dallas Police? Conspirators are on he same side. They work together because they all expect to win. To demonstrate how really insane it is to think that Jack Ruby was in a conspiracy with the Dallas Police, let's look at it as a screenplay. After all, I am a screenwriter. You know that about me, right? Good. 

Detective James Leavelle: OK, Jack. The plan is that we'll let you in. Someone will open the door for you. Then you go shoot Oswald. We'll all act surprised. Then, we'll jump you, arrest you, and charge you. And then we'll testify against you in Court. We'll get you convicted and then sentenced to death. And then we'll come watch you fry in the electric chair. Sound good? 

Jack Ruby: Say what?

Detective James Leavelle: I'm just saying that we'll all get what we want, which is Oswald dead. You do want Oswald dead, don't you?

Jack Ruby: Yeah, but the thing is, I enjoy running the Carousel Club. I enjoy my family. Frying in the electric chair, I gotta tell you, it has no appeal.  

Detective James Leavelle: Jack, you're focusing too much on the negatives here. No plan is perfect. You have to be willing to endure some inconvenience in order to fulfill the big picture. 

Jack Ruby: Oh, I don't mind some inconvenience. It's the dead part that bothers me.

Detective James Leavelle: There you go again, Jack. You're thinking too much. Don't micro-manage this. Brighter minds than yours and mine have devised this plan. Experts. They know what they're doing. You need to trust them. 

Jack Ruby: Well, when you put it that way.

Detective James Leavelle: Atta boy. At last. Now you're making sense. You're beginning to see the light.

Jack Ruby: Beginning to see the light? Ellington! That's one of my favorite tunes. We play it all the Club. You're all right, Jim. 

Detective James Leavlelle: Sure I am, Jack. Who's your Daddy? 

Co-conspirators don't make deals like that. They make deals that they think are going to be good for them; to gain them some value that they actually want; not death. So, Jack Ruby could not have been conspiring with the Dallas Police. So, do you think it was someone else other than the Dallas Police? Like the Mafia? But, how could they open a door at the Dallas PD for Ruby? The place was, as they say, crawling with cops. They couldn't have done it.

And because of the above, and tons more, Ruby could not have shot Oswald. So, here's a thought: stop fighting it. Stop believing the official crap because that's all it is. Ruby no more shot Oswald than Oswald shot Kennedy. The same people who killed Kennedy killed Oswald. Jack Ruby was just their witless, hapless, hopeless fall guy. They didn't need Jack Ruby to shoot Oswald. They would never in a million years have trusted Jack Ruby to do that. They needed him only to take the blame for shooting Oswald. 

There was a conspiracy to kill Oswald, but Jack Ruby wasn't in on it. Nobody told him. Jack Ruby wasn't in the loop. He was a target ,a victim of the conspiracy. And I mean a completely blind victim. The poor guy was completely out of it, mentally. He was oblivious to reality. 

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