Monday, September 7, 2020

We have found our Becky, Sheriff Joe's daughter, and she is Haley Raines.

We had some excellent candidates who auditioned for this role, and it was a tough decision. But, we all agreed at the end that Haley was sublime. It is amazing that someone as young as she could be so good at acting- already.
The role of Becky is so important because the whole story is built around her- around involving her in something that is life-changing.
I have never been the father to a daughter. But, our star Jeff Weber is. And when I saw him go into character as the father of Becky in the first movie, I found it very credible and very touching. And that's what spurred me to want to create a story that centered on Sheriff Joe and his daughter Becky.
That is what established the arc of the story, and I am very sure that Jeff and Haley are going to have amazing screen chemistry together.
So, welcome to the cast, Haley. You are certainly going to get to flex your acting muscles.

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