Monday, September 21, 2020

What is the guy who is supposed to be Blackie Harrison on the far right doing with his right arm? He must be reaching for something, right? But what? Is it the gun? But, you can see where the gun is, and his hand was nowhere near it. And when people reach for things, they lean with their whole body. They don't just stick their arm out. But, he is not leaning; not stretching; and he hasn't even interrupted his smoking. Who does two things at once when the two things are foil a gunman and smoke a cigar? But, he can't possibly get to that gun without moving his whole body, yet, he doesn't look the least bit mobilized to move his whole body. It seems like he just couldn't be bothered to move his whole body. It's pretty comical. And really, what's more in keeping with his body language, is that he was just holding microphone. The idea that he is performing a police intervention is a joke. And look at Tom Petit in the white long coat, showing not the slightest bodily response to the noise, the chaos, the commotion. The natural reaction in that situation would be to get away from it; to back off. But, he's just watching it, cool as a cucumber. I tell you, this photo is other-worldly. It is the weirdest, wackiest thing that ever won a Pulitzer Prize. It is so bizarre. it is ludicrous. And the shooter is obviously not Jack Ruby. He's too short; too pudgy. His hair in back is very different than Ruby's. And notice how it looks like a toupee. It was a toupee. Do I have to point out that Jack Ruby didn't go out that day wearing a toupee? 

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