Wednesday, September 9, 2020

You know that the lie that Oswald killed Kennedy involves stories about him, things that he did, such as taking his wife's burning cigarette and crushing it out on her skin. Such as going out to kill General Walker and going and coming by bus. And even though the bullet dug out of the wall at Walker's house did not match the Carcano bullets, and even though witnesses saw not one but two assailants at the scene, and they left not by bus by car, and that at a time, Oswald had no car, no driver's license, and no ability to drive. 

But, the stories go on. He supposedly went to the shooting range and shot diagonally at the targets of other shooters. Now, that's aggressive. Of course, it's claimed that he beat his wife. But, my personal favorite is the one in which he was heading out to shoot Nixon in Dallas at a time that Nixon was not in Dallas (April 1963). And supposedly, it didn't happen because Marina locked him in the bathroom. When it was pointed out to Marina that you can't actually lock someone in the bathroom because the release is on the inside, she changed her story to say that she just held the door closed with her bare strength. Did I mention that she was 5'2" 100 pounds? And pregnant? But, she supposedly won that struggle with her husband and saved the life of Richard Nixon, even though he was geographically somewhere else.  

But, it's the same for Jack Ruby. There are plenty of false, invented, fabricated stories about him to sustain a totally false legend about him, particularly that he was a violent person. 

Did you know, for instance, that he had the habit of throwing people down the stairs? They claimed that he served as bouncer at his own nightclub, and that when some guy was getting too rowdy, Ruby would throw the guy down his basement stairs. But, that doesn't even make sense. The objective of a bouncer is to bounce the guy out of the club; not kidnap him. If you threw him down into your basement, you would just be digging yourself and him, literally, deeper. 

One story has it that he threw a woman down some stairs and practically killed her, and that was just 2 weeks before the assassination. But, there is no police record of it. Wouldn't that become a police matter? Why would the victim let Ruby get away with that? It is a crime, isn't it?

One story has it that Ruby was a gun runner in Florida, that he ran guns to Castro before the Revolution and then he ran guns to anti-Castro Cubans after the Revolution. But, that doesn't even mesh with the known timeline of Ruby's life. He was in the Air Force until 1945. After that, he returned to Chicago and worked for two years with his brother Earl in his business, Earl's Products. Then, in 1947, Ruby was lured down Dallas to work with his sister Eva in her nightclub business. And that's it. For the rest of his life, he lived and worked there and made only few and brief excursions out of Dallas. So, where does that even leave time for him to have been a gun runner? 

And note that in his published narrative, Ruby denied being a Mafioso or a gun runner. 

But, let's look at the whole issue of whether Jack Ruby lied. He pleaded to have a polygraph test. He even said that he was willing to swallow truth serum. He wanted the whole world to know the truth: that he went to the police garage, and as soon as he got there, police jumped him, and he didn't know why. And he asked them why, saying, "What are you doing? You know me. I'm Jack Ruby." Now, why would he say that if he just shot someone? Didn't he know that police frown on that kind of thing?  And it was confirmed that he said it, even though the Garage Shooter didn't say it.  He said it because he honestly didn't know why they were pouncing on him. Note that it was a different time. It was not what we saw. And then, they dragged him up to the 5th floor, and that's where they told him that he shot Oswald. Until then, he had no clue. 

And so the story became that he shot Oswald in some kind a trance or altered state. And he accepted that because Dallas Police told him that he did it, and he did not have it in him to challenge them or dispute them. He was deferential to them- to the extreme. He wasn't normal. He was impaired mentally. A normal person would have said, "What? I didn't shoot Oswald, and I wouldn't shoot anybody. I don't shoot people. What happened is that you sons of bitches jumped me for no reason at all. Then you dragged me up here, and now you're telling me that I shot Oswald? Let's smell my fucking gun and see if it's been fired. I don't know why you think you are going to get away with this, but you are not. Now, I want a fucking lawyer."

Of course, Ruby never said anything like that, and he never asked for a lawyer. Isn't that strange? Oswald pleaded over and over for one, but Ruby never did. But, they never provided Oswald with a lawyer, yet Ruby they gave a lawyer to even though he didn't ask for one. They said the lawyer was Ruby's lawyer, but in reality, he was just someone who did some civil work for Ruby years before. He wasn't Ruby's lawyer at the time. His name was Tom Howard, and he's the one who came up with the idea that Ruby shot Oswald to save Jackie a trip to Dallas. He invented it.  It came from him; not Ruby. 

Stories. False, fabricated stories. It's how big lies are told. And this poor Jewish man, Jack Ruby, was so incapacitated that he was railroaded for three years and then killed, and he never knew it. He never had a glimpse of what was really going on. He was a good man, a very decent man, with an instinct to be kind and generous. And he adored the Dallas Police. He was like a groupie to them. Since when do Mafioso behave like that? And he knew absolutely nothing about the JFK assassination. If he did, they would have had to kill him immediately. They wouldn't have taken a chance if he knew anything. But, he knew nothing. His statement to reporters about LBJ being involved he got from the book A Texan Looks At Lyndon, by J. Evetts Haley.  

Everything you think you know about Jack Ruby is a lie. He was innocent. Completely, totally, and absolutely innocent.   

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