Sunday, October 13, 2013

I knew it. I knew exactly what the Idiot Backes was going to say. I knew he was going to play the "they got the Altgens photo out in 30 minutes, so it could not have been altered" card. 

Well, I'm not going to burden the readers with a rehash of that old argument, Backass, but I'll remind you that you lost it. That the Altgens photo got out to the world in 30 minutes is just another lie amidst all the other JFK assassination lies- not the least of which is the one that you are a real researcher.  

Get it into your purulent brain that once you lie about killing the President, all kinds of other lies follow, and real researchers aren't fooled by them. 

Let's make this easy for you. The first public showing of the Altgens photo was by Walter Cronkite in an evening television broadcast, and no claims of "getting it out to the world" can precede that. 

They had several hours to alter it, and that was more than enough. 

But, here's what should be noted: in his criticism, Joseph Backes made no mention of the other JFK altered images I mentioned: the Zapruder film and the Backyard photos. 

Well, how about it, Backass? We know what your opinion is about the Altgens photo, but what do you have to say about Jack White's work on the Backyard photos? You think they're lily-white too, do you? 

And what about the Zapruder film? Does it bother you that numerous people said that the motorcade slowed to a crawl and may have stopped completely during the shooting, yet, we can't see it in the Zapruder film? So, we figure that they must have removed some frames to hide that. What say you? 

(Note: they did more than that to the Zapruder film, but it starts with that.)

I have the feeling that Joseph Backes doesn't want to commit himself about this.  

Well, you're being called to task, Backes. Was the Zapruder film tampered with or not?

Here's a quote from Senator Ralph Yarborough:  "As the motorcade went down the slope of Elm Street toward the railroad underpass, a rifle shot was heard by me; a loud blast, close by….When the noise of the shot was heard, the motorcade slowed to what seemed to me a complete stop (though it could have been a near stop)."

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