Sunday, March 30, 2014

And remember, folks, when we bypass Robin Unger and go directly to the Towner film, we don't see any of the Woman and Baby. Here are two versions of it.

Backes bitches that it's on Youtube, but so what? The Zapruder film is on Youtube, and we can see it clearly, and there are no missing figures. We're seeing the man in the Fedora hat as clearly as ever. 

The Woman and Baby in Towner are FAKE. They weren't there; their images were entirely fabricated. And, I hope you realize what it means. It means that EVERYTHING that I have been telling you about these photo and film fabrications is true. The Altgens photo was altered. The Wiegman, Hughes, Martin, and Dallas PD films were altered and in some cases fabricated, such as Lovelady being placed at the desk in the Squad room. The JFK assassination is the most photographically altered event in the history of the world. The American Nazis who did it, who killed Kennedy, started altering images on Day 1, and they haven't stopped. They altered everything they could get their hands on. The phony Woman and Baby in the Towner film are particularly egregious. They are gross. It's amazing that they had the nerve to do such a thing- but they did. And they'll fake more images right now if they have to. They'll do anything to keep the ruse going that Oswald killed Kennedy. He didn't.  

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