Saturday, March 15, 2014

No, bpete. You are dead wrong, as usual. Wiegman didn't get out of the press car until AFTER the second pan of the doorway. You see the disruption and commotion of it at the 6 second mark. The second pan took place at the 4 second mark. 4 comes before 6.

Here is a frame from the 5 second mark, which was between the two. You can see that he was still in the press car even then directly behind the car in front.

So yes, I am serious, and you are the one showing complete ignorance of what Wiegman did. All of the jumping and running and hauling ass down the hill came AFTERWARDS. After the second pan of the doorway. It's true beyond any doubt that Wiegman was still riding in the press car when he did the second pan of the TSBD doorway. 

Now Jack White has been added to the list of researchers that this ex-rock n roller thinks he's better than. bpete, you're not fit to wipe Jack White's boots, were he alive. And nobody cares what you think about Jack White, Mark Lane, or anyone else. So keep your opinions to yourself.   

And here's the corrected Wiegman frame with Buell Frazier retained. We don't want to shortchange that guy. Perish the thought.  

And have no doubt that that guy in black is Buell Frazier.

You see the dark jacket and the light pants, right?

What, was that just a coincidence that someone else in a dark jacket and light pants was there? But, Frazier said he was there.

Mr. BALL - Were you near the steps?
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir; I was, I was standing about, I believe, one step down from the top there.
Mr. BALL - One step down from the top of the steps?
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir; standing there by the rail.
Mr. BALL - By steps we are talking about the steps of the entrance to the Building?
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir. 

So now the magnitude of coincidence has jumped up to a whole new threshold because we've got a guy there in Frazier's clothes, with Fraizer's long legs, with Frazier's black hair of the proper length, and in the exact spot that Frazier said he was. Yet, you think it was someone else. Well, fuck you, you Kennedy-killing bastard.

bpete says I "rip-off" Robin Unger, but bpete helps himself to any image he wants of mine. It's only a "rip-off" when I do it, not when he does it. Well, fuck you, you Kennedy-killing bastard. 

And this asshole doesn't know when to quit. And I knew he was going to do what I'm about to tell you. I knew that when I said that people in that poignant Wiegman frame were reacting to the tragedy, everyone except for Cigar Store Indian Doorman, that bpete would take issue.

He points to the woman with her hand over her mouth and finds fault that she had turned her head the other way. But, SHE'S GOT HER HAND OVER HER MOUTH IN AN OBVIOUS DISPLAY OF GRIEF AND SHOCK- you dumb fuck. He points to the people on the far left who are engaged with each other, talking about what happened. "Was that gunfire? It sounded like gunfire to me. My God! Do you think he's been shot?" That kind of thing. But, bpete apparently thinks they were talking about the Dallas Cowboys.  

The fact is: it's a very poignant picture, and you'd have to be brain-dead or soaked in JFK's blood not to see it. And in that respect, you won the Exacta, bpete.   

So bpete, why do you make such ridiculous statements about a picture which obviously contradicts your statements? 

bpete, I want to know where you got those first frames of the Wiegman film. 

Provide the link. Show me where it came from. Because you're just a regular guy who likes loud music and happens to be a JFK buff. Right? Therefore, provide the link to where you found that. Tell me the source. How did you come by it? And if you don't cough it up, that will speak volumes. 

Oswald was in the doorway, and we can see him at the opening of the Wiegman film. The matchup to what we see of him in the Altgens photo is VERY GOOD.

Remember that when it comes to different people in their different clothing, it takes only 1 disconnect to break the deal, to ruin everything. And that's very easy to come by because PEOPLE ARE DIFFERENT. But, there is NO disconnection here. The three of them match up just fine. bpete doesn't even attempt to make such a collage using Lovelady.  

But, it doesn't work with the Cigar Store Indian Doorman. It only works with this first Wiegman Doorman. They really did replace him with the Cigar Store Indian, and it is easy as pie to tell. These are two different men, and they are different in numerous ways. It isn't even close. 

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