Tuesday, April 18, 2023

 I recall something that Harold Weisberg said: that while he was writing and talking about Lovelady having worn a short-sleeved striped shirt (which is what he told the FBI, which is why they photographed him wearing it sprawled open like Doorman) he got a call from Lovelady's wife, Patricia in which she insisted that "her Billy" wore a long-sleeved plaid shirt. And Harold said that she offered him a bribe to stop saying otherwise. As I recall the amount was $5000. What would that be equivalent to today?

She ranted and raved, but she didn't say anything about her Billy being filmed at the PD wearing that plaid shirt. Did Billy not tell her that he was sitting at a table in the detectives' squad room when suddenly a media circus descended upon him in which Oswald was led in by a uniformed police officer with a train of people following. He was in the middle of that, and he didn't tell his wife about it? But wait: Lovelady didn't tell Joseph Ball about it either. Ball asked him when was the last time he saw Oswald on 11/22, and Lovelady said it was when they broke for lunch when Oswald missed the elevator. Why didn't he tell Ball about his unforgettable brush with history at the PD? Did he forget about it? Or did it never happen? It never happened.
I have both versions of it with two different Lovelady impostors. And remember, we have the Mark Lane photo of Billy Lovelady which we know is legit. So, I should put him alongside Barney Fife Lovelady and DeNiro Lovelady, and I have done it.
So now, if you're going to defend the story, you've got to say that all three of these Loveladys are the same man, even though the one on the right has Dumbo ears, and the other two do not, and even though the shape of his head and the state of his hair was very different from the other two. The fact is that they look nothing alike. They are about as different as any three men can be. But, that's not going to stop the Ops from saying, "Oh sure, they're the same guy." It's a sign of the times.

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