Friday, April 14, 2023

 This so-called Lovelady clip from the Martin film is a reenactment that was done 3 years after the assassination in 1966. It isn't Lovelady in the clip, and it isn't Bonnie Ray Williams either. The young African-American man to the left of "Lovelady" is supposed to be Bonnie Ray, but if you compare him to known images of Bonnie Ray, you'll see that the real Bonnie Ray was much skinner.

The old guy in the Fedora hat on the left is someone they put in just because of the Fedora Man in the Altgens photo. But, in Altgens, he was standing next to the Obelisk. He was not in the doorway. What was that old guy supposed to be doing there?
And who is that old woman on the right? She didn't work there. It was mostly young people who worked at the TSBD. Young and middle-aged, but no one as old as her. So what, was she somebody's grandmother?
Who is the lady with her hair in curlers? So, she went to a Presidential motorcade with her hair up in curlers?
Who is the woman in the scarf next to her? There is no reason to think she worked there either. Why would a woman who worked there be wearing a scarf? WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE????
And you can't see it in this still, but the cops just let a man who looked like the Doorway Man enter the building. I don't know why they did that, meaning that I don't know why the filmmakers included that element in the story.
This clip was supposedly taken 10 minutes after the shooting, but Lovelady wasn't out in front then. He left with Shelley to explore the railway yard, and when they were done, they reentered the building through the back door. There is no chance that Lovelady was there then.
This clip was created in response to Harold Weisberg who was traveling the country proclaiming Oswald in the doorway. And included in his thesis was that Lovelady wore a red and white vertically striped short-sleeved shirt that day Therefore, Lovelady could not possibly be Doorway Man.
So, they made this phony clip just to sell the idea that Lovelady wore a long-sleeved plaid shirt. But, the joke of it is that Doorman is definitely NOT wearing a plaid shirt. Think about what plaid means. It means checkered. There isn't a single check on Doorman's shirt. Not any part of the pattern of Doorman's shirt corresponds to the plaid pattern on Gorilla Lovelady's shirt.
And, you can see in the clip that "Lovelady's" shirt wasn't open. It wasn't unbuttoned except for the top bottom. So, how could he be Doorman. Shall we assume that he buttoned up after the asssassination? Debbie, I think that's your cue.
It's just a fake film, and again, I know about films. I'm a filmmaker. I've made 4 feature films. It was just damage control in response to Harold Weisberg. The Doorman debacle drove the FBI to go into the movie business.

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