Saturday, April 15, 2023

The point I am trying to make isn't that hard to see. If Oswald had used that door with the glass pane, he would have been out of that anteroom before the door even closed. It was a tiny little space. Oswald would have opened the door from the stairwell side, and it would have remained open as he entered the room. Then, when he let go of the door and was out of its way, the spring on the door, which you can see in this close-up, would have started closing the door. But those springs are adjusted to work slowly; to slowly close the door. You don't want it to slam shut. It could slam into someone's nose.

So, the fact that the door was stationary when Oswald was in the anteroom passing through it, tells you that he didn't use that door to enter the anteroom. He used the other door, the one on the office side. And that means that he didn't come down from the 6th floor. It means he COULDN'T have come down from the 6th floor. If he was a litle birdie who could fly, he couldn't have come down from the 6th floor. He came up from the 1st floor, using the elegant stairs at the southeast corner of the building, next to the entrance.

This has been sitting there, like the elephant in the room, for 59 years. In 1964, when the Warren Report came out, it included this picture and Marrion Baker's testimony. It should have been obvious then, from the mechanics of this, that Oswald could not have come down from the 6th floor, and therefore, he could not have shot Kennedy.
Now, we are in year 60, and finally, it is over. Lee Harvey Oswald was innocent. Framed and innocent. And anyone who can't see it is either extremely stupid or extremely bad. Take your pick.

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