Saturday, April 22, 2023

 Jimm Vaughn attempted again to duplicate Oswald's hand in the Jackson photo. As I said from the start, this is not a kinda/sorta kind of thing. It has to be exactly the same. And Jimm did not get close. By now, he should know that he needs to put his result side by side with the other hand, in order to do this.

This time, instead of putting his hand on his chest, he just held his hand in the air. Note that the first time, he failed to get any material from his shirt to cover any part of his thumb. We can't evaluate that issue in this case, but the issue still remains.
But, what else remains? Jim has a knuckle for ech of his 4 fingers; Oswald only has 3. JIm's hand is much more arched than Oswald's. When you flex your hand at the knuckles, raising them up, it has the effect of pulling the fingers back and thrusting the thumb forward. So, by arching that much, Jimm is cheating. Jimm is also extending his hand at the wrist, which Oswald is not doing. Clearly, Oswald isn't making a fist. His hand is largely flat. It is only slightly arched.
Notice that the contour of Jimm's hand on the thumb side looks human and normal, with smooth flowing curves and nothing jagged. Oswald's contour on that side looks freaky. Now, I know that some people claim that material from his sweater was covering his hand, but I do not accept that. They need to demonstrate that with photos. Until they do, that argument is rejected.
Note that Oswald's thumbnail is facing us more than Jimm's. His appears to be more sideways to the index finger. Another way of putting it is that Oswald's thumb is internally rotated. It is turned towards the midline of the hand. Jimm's thumb is not. And that internal rotation of Oswald's is impossible to do. If it were possible, don't you think Jimm would have done it?
Finally, Jimm still won't admit that Oswald's thumb is humongous, but let's compare the length of his thumb to Oswald's. I have drawn lines.
This is yet another failure to reproduce Oswald's freak hand. And I don't mean just another failure for Jimm. Others have tried before him. This has been going on for years. Nobody has ever done it. And nobody ever will.

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