Friday, April 14, 2023

It's interesting that the so-called wedding photo of Lovelady did not surface at the time of the assassination. They used it to give Oswald a new hairline. They transferred the top of Lovelady's head in the wedding photo to Doorman. So, obviously, they had it. But, it was never published. In fact NO images of Billy Lovelady were published at the time of the assassination. Even the FBI photos that were taken in February 1964 were never published in the papers. So basically, the government said, "He's Lovelady, not Oswald, but you're just going to have to believe us because we're not showing you a picture of Lovelady." But, we eventually got to see the wedding photo because it was published by the HSCA in 1979. However, guess what? They flipped it. They left-to-right flipped it. I guess that perfect match to Doorman's hairline made them nervous because it was too effinn' good. So, they flipped it. And notice what it says in the caption: "circa 1959-1963" which means that it was taken sometime between 1959 and 1963. That is ridiculous. He looks very young and boyish in the picture and was probably about 20 years old. And if he was 20, then the picture was taken in 1957. The HSCA may have started with good intentions, but it very quickly turned into another government cover-up. And it was bizarre, where the top lawyer for the HSCA, Kenneth Brooten, resigned just to represent Lovelady. You couldn't make that up. And I ought to know because I'm a filmmaker. Here's the link to one of my films, His Stretch of Texas Ground, which you can watch for free. Just hit the link and start watching it. The opening scene will hook you.

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