Sunday, April 16, 2023

I wish to clear up a delusion about Doorman and his shirt. As I explained, Harold Weisberg was traveling the country, appearing on local radio programs, pushing Oswald in the doorway and the fact that Lovelady wore a short-sleeved striped shirt. It was when he was on a show in Arkansas that they brought on these two guys to challenge him with the Lovelady clip. It was in 1966; so 3 years after the assassination. 

They claimed that it shows Billy Lovelady milling around around in front of the TSBD 10 minutes after the shooting, and that he's wearing a plaid shirt.  It is impossible because Lovelady and Shelley left immediately for the railway yard, as did many people. And when they were done, they went around back and reentered the TSBD through the back door, never returning to the front. So, how can that guy, whom we call Gorilla Man, be Lovelady? He can't be-unless you think Lovelady could be in two places at once.  

But, not only is he not Lovelady, but the whole clip is fake. It's a reenactment. They said it was part of the Martin film, but it's not. That Lovelady clip is some of the clearest, sharpest footage from the assassination, but the Martin film is some of the blurriest footage from the assassination. The story went that Jack Martin shot his motorcade footage, and then he left to call his wife to tell her what happened. But then he returned, and that's when he shot the Lovelady clip. 

It's impossible. It's qualitatively different from his film, and until recently, the Lovelady clip wasn't even contained in the Martin film. I contacted Sixth Floor Museum Curator Gary Mack, who, as you probably know, is dead. But, before he fell ill with cancer, I got in touch with him, and I asked him if the Sixth Floor Museum had a copy of the Martin film that contained the Lovelady clip. And he told me no. I asked him if the National Archives or anyone else might have it, and he said he doubted it. Then I asked him how and why the Lovelady clip got separated from the rest of the Martin film, and he had no answer. 

Here is the Martin film on Youtube, and if you watch it, you'll see that it does not contain the Lovelady clip. It's just the motorcade. 

However, 11 months ago, the guy who runs JFK Assassination Forum, Duncan McRae, put up what he calls the "uncut" Martin film, which does contain the Lovelady clip. But, what he put up is actually a composite of the Martin film and other films. It is ridiculous to think that 11 months ago, the "uncut" Martin film was finally found. And why would the Martin film have ever been cut. Who would cut it? 

But, the purpose of creating that phony clip with that phony Lovelady was to sell the idea that Lovelady wore a longsleeved plaid shirt that day. But, it's stupid because Doorman is NOT wearing a plaid shirt. There is nothing plaid about it. Plaid means checkered. It means that there are horizontal and vertical lines crossing forming boxes. There isn't a single box on Doorman's shirt. 

So, Doorman's shirt isn't plaid; it's just has amorphous light and dark contrast. It's not a shirt pattern that we're seeing. It's haze and distortion from the gross enlargement, as well as light reflection. That's all it is. It's not a shirt pattern. And it does not correspond in any way to Gorilla Man's shirt.

And Gorilla Man's shirt isn't even sprawled open like Doorman's. To claim that they are the same shirt is ridiculous. 

So, they went to all that trouble to make that phony clip for nothing. I added a close-up of each of their collars in the upper right corner. Will you admit now that they are not the same shirt? 

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