Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Did Oswald slap his arm to his chest after being shot, as shown in the Jackson photo? We have no other photos, but we do have the films. So, I am going to take a close look at each of the films to see what they show of Oswald's reaction after being shot.

I'll start with the CNN composite film because it gets the most traffic on Youtube. For when Oswald is shot and reacts to being shot, I'm pretty sure it uses the NBC footage. And what it shows is that Oswald's first reaction was to cringe forward, but then, he changed direction and veered backward. I have created a frame of him cringing forward, and next to it, I have put a frame of him veering backward.

After that, he went straight down. And I mean like whoosh! He goes down like a freight elevator at the TSBD, and faster than that. He goes down impossibly fast because when a person falls, they don't start falling at terminal velocity. It builds up to it.. But here, it's like the whoosh of a vacuum tube at the bank, like a vacuum is sucking him down. It is very obviously sped up. They didn't want us to see it very well or for very long, which is why they sped it up.

So, on the left, is Oswald cringing forward after being shot, and on the right is what followed, which is him veering backward. Then after that, he just went straight down, vertically down, in a vacuum like way.

Cringing forward and then veering back is a complex action in itself. You might say that it was enough for him to do that. But, would he also, at the same time, simultaneously, slap his arm to his chest? There is certainly no sign of him slapping his arm to his chest.

This was a man who, supposedly, had his aorta and vena cava ruptured by bullet. So, blood was spurting like a fountain inside his body, and blood travels 13 feet per second. How much could a man in that condition do? It takes blood to do anything, and he didn't have any. His blood was pouring into his abdominal cavity. So, even the veering back was more than he could have done, were he really shot. But, from looking at this, there is absolutely no basis to claim that he slapped his arm to his chest.

The reason they needed the arm-slap in the Jackson photo was because they needed to cover up the area of impact because there was no impact. There was no shot. It's just a staged photo. Everyone in it is acting. Nothing happened to Oswald or his clothing. There was no trauma. So, they had to cover it all up.

Here's the link to the CNN film. Now remember, you have the ability to slow it down to .25 speed, which you should do. You just hit that Settings gear and then go to speed and then to .25, which is the slowest allowed.

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