Thursday, January 9, 2025

 These are two images, supposedly of Jack Ruby, that are very close in time and place. The one on the left is supposed to be him being led up to the elevator to go up to 5th floor the Jail for the first time.

The one on the right is him next to the elevator on the 3rd floor, surrounded by Detectives Boyd, Sims, and Hall. It was taken by NBC and included in their 30 year retrospective on the Oswald shooting that was televised in 1993. It used to be on Youtube. That's where I saw it. But, it was taken down right after I started wailing "Soylent Green is people" about it.

Neither image is OK, but the first thing to realize is that they are not the same man. The man on the right has a very round face and head, while the man on the left does not. Only in the evil, bizarre world of online JFKing would anyone say they are the same man. They clearly don't look anything alike

But, it is in the record, from multiple sources, that upon getting Ruby upstairs, they stripped Ruby of his clothes: shirt, pants, and jacket. They left him in his underwear. But, that undressing didn't start in the Jail Office.

Here is the testimony of Detective Don Archer:

If you read it, you'll see that Archer said that once they got Ruby into the Jail Office, they pushed him down to the floor; Archer asked who he was; then Ruby turned his head and said to him, "You all know me; I'm Jack Ruby." Then, Archer asked McMillon if he wanted his cuffs, but McMillon said he had his own, and he put them on Ruby. Then, Captain King came over and told them to take him to the elevator and up to the 5th floor jail, and that is where they stripped him of his clothes. That is all on page 400 at the above link.

So, they didn't remove Ruby's jacket before they handcuffed him. And it would have been insane to have done that. Archer specifically said that they didn't do that until they got him up to the 5th floor. So, why is Ruby without a jacket in that Jail Office image on the left?

And why is his shirt unbuttoned? How did it get unbuttoned? Did they unbutton it? No, they couldn't have done that. I think that the implication of the image is that his buttons came off during the wild melee'. Yet, they didn't because his shirt looks neat and buttoned on the right and in other images. So, the buttons were definitely there. So again I ask: how did his shirt buttons come to be unfastened?

And notice how ridiculous Ruby's hair looks, with a huge lake of baldness, but on each side of it, long, thick, wooly hair. This is one of kind. There is no other rendering of his hair like this. And it is not real- for him or for anybody. It is not how men go bald.

But, here's another weird disparity: on the left, Ruby's hands are cuffed behind him, while on the right, his hands are cuffed in front of him, that is, if they are cuffed at all. We can't see his hands, so he could have just as easily been clasping his hands in front with no cuffs at all. But, his hands definitely weren't cuffed behind.

So, what are the blood-soaked Kennedy-killers going to say about this? That someone thought it was necessary to reverse his cuffs?
It's impossible to rationalize any of what we're seeing here. And what it means is that the whole story about Ruby shooting Oswald is a lie. The fact is that the reason Ruby couldn't remember shooting Oswald is because he didn't shoot him. Jack Ruby was innocent; completely and totally innocent. And he knew nothing, whatsoever, about anything. And he died not knowing a damn thing, in a total state of delusion.

After reading this, all those who are honest and decent will join me now in proclaiming that Jack Ruby was innocent becaise he was, and it is certain.

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