Thursday, January 23, 2025

That strange Darnell doorway and street are populated by entirely different people than the Wiegman doorway and street, except for one person: the cowboy in the white outfit. We see him in both. But, I have doubt about whether he's the same guy, as I'll explain.

So, it's the Weigman cowboy on the left and the Darnell cowboy on the right. But, are they the same guy? If they were going to use a different guy, they would have to do what we see, which is turn him around, so that we don't see his face, since he's a different guy.
But, having once been a chiropractor, I look at it through chiropractic eyes. The guy on the left looks VERY relaxed. He is not tensed up at all. But, the guy on the right is very tense. He has his back arched; his shoulders braced back, and his arms held out from his body.  He also has his left heel raised off the ground. His whole body is tensed up. There is probably about 5 seconds between them, but why would he get so tense? A person's carriage, the way they hold themselves, is a matter of habit; subconscious habit. It's like your neuromuscular signature. Just as everyone's written signature is different and distinctive, so is their bodily carriage. These two look like they had very different bodily carriage. They are holding themselves very differently.
And why would he go from looking down the street to turning around and looking up at the top of the building in 5 seconds? What caught his attention up there? And don't tell me he was looking for a shooter because if he thought that, he'd run for cover. As soon as that thought entered his head, he'd dash out of there. Wouldn't you?
And why is his left pant leg risen up so high on the right? All he did was turn around. And go back and forth visually between his hat on the left and his hat on the right. How far back would he have to pitch his head to get his hat to be that vertical? That is extreme. You look up by first raising your eyes, and if that's not enough, then you pitch your head back. But, that on the right is extreme.
And frankly, the man on the right looks shorter to me.
And considering that he's the only figure that is duplicated between Wiegman and Darnell, I have to wonder if they fabricated him on the right just so that the two images would have some continuity.

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