Thursday, January 23, 2025

 This is a bogus image. It's from the beginning of the Darnell film, but it was cut out of the film. It was cut out because it contained something that was dangerous to the official story. But eventually, they got it edited to their liking, and it was first shown to the public in JFK the movie by Oliver Stone in 1991.

So, they kept it, and they had 28 years to alter it to make it presentable. And one of the things they did was replace the imagery of the people in the doorway with new imagery that was fabricated.
This was the doorway just seconds after the last shot. Officer Baker hadn't even gotten there yet. So, all the employees that we know were there should be visible. But, we don't see any of them.
Some people have falsely claimed that the tall skinny guy in the white long-john, with the freaky arch in his back, was Buell Frazier. He was not. And Buell Frazier wore a dark brown FFA jacket. He was not in white.
And the same people claim that the man on our left with the small head and massive body was Oswald. And that is ridiculous. Oswald was jut the opposite, with a relatively large head and small body.
So, none of those people are real, and none of them look photographic. They all look like cartoons, and that is what they are.
So, Oswald was NOT Prayer Man, and no one else was either. There was no Prayer Man. He is part of the phony imagery.
So, the beginning of the Darnell film was cut off, and then it resurfaced as a separate clip with freaky imagery 28 years later. That is not OK.
The Altgens doorway, the Wiegman doorway, and the Darnell doorway are all freaky. They all contain freak images- but different ones. And it's all because Oswald was in the doorway.

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