The prosecution of Clay Shaw in New Orelans in 1969 was the only direct criminal prosecution in the JFK case. However, the prosecution of Raymond Crump in 1965 was definitely tied to the JFK assassination, even though it wasn't spoken of at the trial.
Judge Howard Corcoran not only forbid any mention of the JFK assassination, he also forbid any mention of the CIA at the trial.But, the CIA was there. Cicely Angleton, wife of CIA Counterintellligence chief James Angleton, attended every moment of the trial.
And when it was over, with the victory of Dovey Roundtree, the implication was that, not only was Raymond Crump innocent, but no other person like him could have committed the crime. NO ONE has ever suggested that another person similar to Crump did it but managed to escape. Crump's innocence defaults to Mary's murder having been a professional hit and most likely by the CIA.
Why is that? It's because of the evidence that came out in the trial. Some of the evidence pertained to Crump specifically, for instance, his small size, the fact that he didn't have the physical prowess to attack and rape her. She was 3 inches taller than he was, very fit, and about the same weight as him, while he was this little guy who was a chain-smoking alcoholic. And the star witness for the prosecution said that the man he saw standing over the body was 5'8" and 180 pounds, which was much bigger than Crump. However, there were other elements of this case that ruled out any other regular assailant.
The first motive that was put forward was robbery, but that never made sense- for anyone. That's because the armed assailant began by attacking her physically with his hands, and a robber wouldn't do that. A robber would have pointed his gun at her and demanded her money and valuables. He didn't need to grapple with her. It's not like he wanted to reach into her pockets himself and take the money. So, the actions of the attacker prove that he wasn't a robber.
Then, the other motive that was eventually put forward was rape, but that didn't make sense for anyone either. That's because the location did not have the seclusion and isolation for rape. It was only 128 feet from busy Canal Road in Georgetown. I've seen the photo of the crime scene taken from the sidewalk of Canal Street and it's like a picture window.
And the towpath was a popular walking trail. Another hiker could have come along at any time, and a rapist would have known that.
But, there's more. After being shot the first time, Mary tried to run away. She ran 24 feet and then collapsed into a tree. We didn't include the tree in my film DOVEY'S PROMISE, mainly because of how our location was, and I didn't think the tree mattered anyway. The important thing was that she ran; then collapsed; then the attacker dragged her back; and then he shot her again, killing her instantly. However, a robber or rapist would have had no reason to do that. He would have shot her whereever she fell and then ran away. So, her killer, obviously, had something else in mind, which was to insure her visibility to the man who was tricked into becoming a witness, Henry Wiggins.
And that's why, in the damage control that's been done over the years and decades, no one has ever suggested that it was done by another derelict. They have stuck with Crump, saying that he did it; that Dovey and the jury simply got it wrong.
Well, that is ridiculous for the reasons I gave. Crump lacked the physical capacity to do it. He wasn't big enough or strong enough. He lacked the criminal precedents to do it. At the time, he had no prior history of sexual violence or any kind of violence. As Dovey said in her Closing Statement, "Would he start with this?"
And, Raymond told Dovey, why he went there that day. It was to have a sexual rendezvous with a woman named Vivian. And Vivian confirmed it to Dovey over the phone. In DOVEY'S PROMISE, we had them meet in person, and it's a favorite scene of mine because my actors, Joy White and Trisha Zarate, did very well, and I love the music that Kaizad Patel wrote for that scene.
So, with Crump's innocence being certain, it defaults to a professional hit, and who else but the CIA? It was the very evening of the murder that Ben Bradlee and James Angleton broke into Mary's house to retrieve her diary, which points to the motive right there.
But, the point is that the Mary Pinchot Meyer case is a smoking gun in the case that came before, which was the murder of John F. Kennedy. And that's why it is so very important to this day.
If you'd like to watch Dovey's Promise, here is the link:
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