This is the 2nd floor lunchroom. Notice in the far-ground that there's a little room attached to it with a door. And the door has a window. It was through that window that Officer Marrion Baker first saw Oswald. And it was more like a flash because Oswald was on the move; he was entering the lunchroom.
But, Oswald could not have gotten there by going through that door we see because if he had, the door would have still been in motion. That little anteroom was small- no bigger than a closet. So, if Oswald had pushed that door open to get there, the door would have still been open.
So, the fact that the door was closed and stationary when Baker saw Oswald through the glass means that Oswald came through the other door, which was on our left as we view the scene. There were two entrance doors: one on the stairwell side, where Baker was, and one on the office side, which was the door that Oswald used. And between them was a third door that went into the lunchroom., as we can see.
Now, there is no doubt about what I'm saying because Oswald just got there a few steps ahead of Baker. And if he had come down from the 6th floor, Baker and Truly would have heard him coming down, and Truly, who was ahead of Baker, would have encountered him. Truly was making his way up to the third floor, but when he realized that he had lost the officer, he went back down to see what happened.
And I want to say again that it was really quite insane that in pursuit of a killer or killers that Truly would be the one leading the charge. He clearly knew what they were doing, that they were on the trail of the assassin or assassins. So, why would Truly feel safe about being in front? Wouldn't he take cover behind the officer?
The answer to that conundrum is that Truly knew very well that he was in no danger because he was involved in the conspiracy. The TSBD was a CIA front company, and the CIA killed Kennedy.
But, the point is that this simple, ordinary photograph completely exonerates Oswald because it shows that he did not come down from the 6th floor: he came up from the 1st floor, using the stairs in the southeast corner of the building next to the doorway. Oswald went from the doorway, where he was standing and photographed, to the 2nd floor lunchroom.
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