Saturday, January 11, 2025

I've been watching that National Geographic film, which is sharper than I'm used to seeing and I want to share this image of Oswald's shirt.

On the left you can see how unique it was. It was a Russian shirt, with a flat collar, a button loop below it, and no hard placket running down the button holes, which allowed the margin of the shirt to fold over like the lapel of a jacket. Recall that Officer Marrion Baker said that when he saw Oswald in the lunch room, he was wearing a light brown jacket. It was this shirt, but it had the look of a jacket.
And it appeared in the Altgens photo. Had they left, it would have ID'd Oswald. And that's why they covered it up by placing the man in the white shit and black tie over that part of him.

They never ID'd Black Tie Man. Nobody even asked who he was. And that's because he was nobody.  

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