Do you realize that humans have slightly more than 210 degrees of visual arc when they're looking straight ahead?
It's because we have binocular vision, otherwise known as two eyes.
Now, at the margins, it's rather blurry, but what it's very sensitive to is motion. And you can see the survival advantage of that.
So, when the Garage Shooter swifted past LC Graves, it was impossible for Graves not to see him.
But, Graves acted like he didn't see him, and the operative word is "acted" because it was act. Graves was performing like an actor. And it isn't open to debate because it's a matter of human physiology. Graves definitely pretended not to see the Shooter.
And it wasn't just Graves. Oswald was in on it too, and so was Leavelle. In this frame you can see Detective Roy Lowery looking directly at the Shooter, and he didn't react either. They were all in on it.
And the guy they were working with was NOT Jack Ruby. If it had been Ruby, they would have had to kill him forthwith because at any time, he could have spilled the beans to his attorneys. What if he just woke up one morning and said, "That's it. I've had it. I'm not going to protect those guys any longer. If I'm going down, they're going down with me."
They would not have lived day-in and day-out with that hanging over them. But, Ruby lived for 3 years. And then, I think they did kill him, and it was because he won a new trial. They weren't going to risk going through that again. What if the detectives changed their stories? What Ruby's lawyers figured it out? That's when it became imperative that Ruby die.
The Garage Shooter was FBI Agent James Bookhout, and there are NO images him from the JFK assassination, at least, none that are recognized. So, even though he attended every interrogation and followed Oswald around like his shadows, the official story has it that Bookhout never got imaged.
But, the most important thing isn't Bookhout. It's simply that it wasn't Ruby. There was a conspiracy, but it wasn't between the Dallas Police and Jack Ruby. Jack Ruby was doofus, a nincompoop, and a ding-a-ling. No one would trust him to shoot someone in a cramped, crowded space that they occupied. The killing of Oswald was an operation of the Dallas Police and the FBI. LBJ got the Dallas Police to do it, and J. Edgar Hoover got his FBI to do it. The Secret Service was also involved. Their job was to round up Marina Oswald so that they had custody of her before the operation even went down.
And the CIA was involved too because there was photographic alteration involved. I'm sure that it was the same team of Dino Brugioni that altered the Jackson photo, after having altered the Altgens photo.
And the decision to use Ruby as the patsy didn't start that weekend. I'm sure they had been grooming Ruby for a long time. Do you know about Project Artichoke? It was the predecessor of MK-ULTRA.
Initially known as Project Bluebird, Project Artichoke officially arose on August 20, 1951, and was operated by the CIA's Office of Scientific Intelligence. The primary goal of Project Artichoke was to determine whether a person could be involuntarily made to perform an act of attempted assassination. The project also studied the effects of mind control and hypnosis, forced addiction to chemicals, such as amphetamines and LSD, to produce vulnerable, malleable states within the victims.
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