Saturday, January 18, 2025

 The likeness between Oswald and Doorman, both the man and the clothing, is extremely impressive, as you can see in this first collage. But, some people think they can dismiss it because of the apparent divergence of the shirt patterns.

It doesn't work like that. It's not as though they showed up at work looking exactly alike and wearing the exact same outfit except for different shirt patterns. That would be just as extraordinary. So, there has to be another explanation.

We know that Doorman's image is greatly enlarged, and that causes distortion. We also know that Oswald's shirt reflected sunlight easily. You can see it in the second collage, when Oswald was outside. Can you see that, there, his shirt looks mottled?

Then, there is also the possibility and the likelihood that Doorman's shirt was tampered with. I never said that they innocently mistook Oswald for Lovelady. I said that they deliberately altered his image, replacing the top of his head with that of Young Lovelady from 1957. Recall that Doorman and Young Lovelady have the exact same hair: the same length, the same cut, the same recession, the same everything. Over 6 years time? If I compared my hair over 6 weeks time, it wouldn't look the same.
So, that was tampered with, and they may have also doctored his shirt pattern.
But, in any case, notwithstanding the shirt patterns, the likenesses that remain between Oswald and Doorman are numerous and overwhelming. And they could only come about from them being the same man. That is the reasonable conclusion that all reasonable people will make.

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