Friday, January 10, 2025

Start by comparing Ruby's hair in these two images that were taken less than 24 hours apart. How can they both be legit? The fact is that neither is legit. They are both doctored; but in vastly different ways.

However, I think it is Ruby in both images, and now I am going to explain how I think they came up with the one on the left.
So, it was taken 2 to 3 minutes after the Garage Shooting. He is being taken upstairs. It contradicts the testimonies of the detectives beacuse they didn't say anything about keeping in the Jail Office for 2 or 3 minutes. They just said that they got him inside; they handcuffed him; then they took him upstairs. But, the narrative for this image is that they detained him in the Jail Office for at least 2 minutes before taking him upstairs.
Supposedly, they were passing Oswald who was lying on the floor, surrounded by detectives. But, since we can't see him, we don't know that he was there.
For some reason, they put a large smudge over the lower part of his face and his neck, and his neck in back also looks distorted, like he's hunchbacked.
But, how did they get him there if he wasn't the Shooter at the Spectacle? As I've said, Ruby was grabbed BEFORE the Spectacle and hustled up to the 5th floor. That's where he was during the Spectacle. So, they must have brought him back down again for this. And the reason he's not wearing his jacket is because they just screwed up. They thought it would look good if he appeared disheveled from the melee' with the Penguins. And they had removed his jacket upstairs. Their not putting it back on him for this catwalk was just a production error. And Ruby was so drugged at the time that he was lost mentally. A local Chicago television station reported that he was "muttering incoherently" after his arrest- that's how drugged up he was. Of course, that never got repeated.
Now, I realize that the naysayers are just going to YAWN at this. They don't care. They will shut their eyes and their minds to everything that I present. And that's because they want Jack Ruby to be guilty. They want it like it's their religion that he was guilty.
But, the truth is that Jack Ruby was innocent; framed and innocent; completely, totally, and unequivocally innocent.

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