Saturday, January 25, 2025

 I am back to this cowboy collage because my longtime friend and supporter Robert Jordan noticed more than I did. First, look at the cowboy on the left, and notice that his jacket was unbuttoned and sprawled open, which means that it would have been loose in back.

But then look on the right, and you'll see that his jacket is so tight and sleek that you can't even distinguish it from the pants. It all flows together in a stream of whiteness. That's impossible because that jacket would have stood out from the pants. 
Plus, look closely at his right shoulder, and you'll see that it comes to a point. There's like a white placard there. And his right hand is huge and dark, with a big, long thumb, while his left hand is all shriveled.
These observations all came from Robert Jordan. So, thank you, Robert. And to everyone, this is fake imagery. Whatever really showed in front of the entrance must have been damaging to the official story, so they replaced it all with this fake shit. And that's why I keep telling people that you don't have to wonder who Prayer Man was because he was nobody. He is a cartoon character.

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