Saturday, January 11, 2025

 I finished waching that National Geographic film, and I have two more images from it to display. This is the first. It's right before the shooting of Oswald. Of course, they colorized it, and they made Leavelle's suit and hat brown. In reality, his suit was cream-colored, and his Stetson hat was white. They were all white. The white Stetson hat was like the uniform of Fritz' men.

But, notice that Leavelle and Graves are not looking in the Shooter's direction. They are looking the other way, to their right. But, there couldn't be an attack from their right because that was the side with the lineup of detectives. Plus, the ramp on that side had the big armoured tank. So, nobody could get it from there.

And even if you dispute that, don't you agree that at the very least, they should have been glancing back and forth and monitoring both sides? Why would they completely ignore the side to their left?
Well, the answer is that they did not want to lay eyes on the Shooter, James Bookhout. Because: if they laid eyes on him, they would have had to react to him before he got the shot off, and they did not want to prevent him from getting the shot off. They did not want to start struggling with him until AFTER he fired the shot.
But, there is just no excuse for them not monitoring their left side.

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