Monday, January 13, 2025

 Why is it that so many people who claim that the State and the Media lied about Oswald having shot Kennedy, and if they believe that I presume they also believe that the State and the Media lied about him having shot Tippit, and if they believe that, I presume they also believe that the State and the Media lied about him having shot at Walker, why do these people who acknowledge so many lies about Oswald, why are they willing to accept what the State and Media said about how Oswald got killed?

If the State and the Media were spewing lies about Oswald, surely those lies would not have held up in court. Just imagine how it would have went had Oswald been given the lawyer he ranted for:
Lawyer: Did you shoot the President?
Oswald: No!
Lawyer: Where were you at the time of the shots?
Oswald: I was standing in the doorway. There were a bunch of people there. Bill Shelley was one of them.
Laawyer; Did you tell the investigators that?
Oswald; Yes, I did.
Lawyer: Then tell me something. Is this you?
He takes out a newspaper clipping with the Doorman circled. Oswald looks at it.
Oswald: Yes, that's me. It's my face. It's my clothes. It's a weird image. It looks like they messed with it. But yes, that is definitely me.
Lawyer: Did you mail-order a rifle from Chicago?
Osawld: No, I did not. And I told them that I don't own a rifle.
Lawyer: So, you didn't have a rifle sent to your P.O. Box?
Oswald: No, I didn't even have a P.O. Box. I don't have one now, and I didn't have one then. Why would I need one? To receive what? They deliver mail to your house for free. A P.O. Box you have to rent. Why would I pay for that?
Lawyer: All right, so on Friday morning, what did you bring to work?
Oswald; Just my lunch in a brown paper bag.
Lawyer: Were you carrying the bag between your armpit and your hand?
Oswald: No. Of course not.
Lawyer: Well, Buell Frazier is saying that you did.
Oswald; Well, I don't know why he's saying that. They must have told hiim to say it. Look: I didn't kill the President. I had no more thought to do it than you did.
Lawyer: OK. Why did you go to Irving on Thursday night?
Oswald: Well, I wanted to speak to my wife. I wanted to show her that I had a good amount of money: over a $150. And it was enough for me to rent an apartment for the four of us. She told me she wasn't ready. And I left most of the cash with her because I knew it was safer there than leaving it in my boarding room.
Lawyer: How did you acquire that cash? You hadn't worked since July before you started at the TSBD in October. You were making $1.11/hour, and you had to pay your own living expenses, and give money to your wife for clothes and other necessities. So, how could you save so much money so fast?
Oswald tells him how he accumulated the money.
Lawyer: OK. What did you know about the President's visit?
Oswald: I knew he was coming to Dallas. I knew there was going to be a motorcade. Marina and I discussed it on Thursday night, and she said how much she wished she could lay eyes on the President and his wife. i did not know that the motorcade was going to pass the Book Depository. When I saw people congregating on the sidewalk, I asked another employee, Junior Jarman, if he knew why they were doing that. And he told me that it was to watch the President.
Lawyer: What time did you have that conversation?
Oswald: It was probably about 9:30.
Lawyer: Why did you go to the theater?
Oswald: So and So told me that I was probably in danger because I had lived in the Soviet Union. So, he told me to go there to meet somebody who would help me.
Lawyer: Did you know who to look for?
Oswald: No. He told me that the person would recognize me.
Lawyer: Tell me everything you did from the time you broke for lunch until the President got shot.
Oswald: I came downstairs. I went to the Domino room. I had left my lunch bag there on the shelf, as I always do. I ate my cheese sandwiches and apple, as I browsed the newspaper. Then, I used the bathroom, and then I went to the entrance and went outside.
Lawyer: What time was it when you got outside?
Oswald: I would say 12:25. It was just a few minutes before the motorcade arrived.
Lawyer: Do you know if others saw you?
Oswald: I know Bill Shelley saw me. HIs eyes were peeled on me. He looked at me like he was sore that I came out there.
The lawyer thinks in silence, looking at Oswald.
Lawyer. All right, here is what I want you do to. I want you to tell the police that you want your lawyer present for any further questioning. Tell them that you refuse to answer any more questions without me there. I am going to visit you every day, and that's partly to protect you. Now listen to me: You were formally arrainged, and you had the right to have an attorney present during that formal arriagnment. I am going to file a protest about it. How many times did you tell the police that you wanted a lawyer?
Oswald: Oh God, it must be at least a dozen times by now.
Lawyer: All right, that's good. It will go into the complaint. Do you want me to check on your family?
Oswald: Yes, absolutely.
Lawyer: All right. And at this time, I can speak to the press. I can make the case for your innocence. There is no gag order.
Oswald: OK, good. So, I take it you believe me that I didn't do it?
Lawyer: Yes, absolutely. I know you're being framed. I don't know why, but that's what is happening.. And it is going to be very much a part of the case.
RC: So, that is what would have transpired, and it's why the Police would not give Oswald a lawyer. But, they couldn't put it off much longer. THEY DESPERATELY NEEDED HIM DEAD BECAUSE ONCE HE TALKED TO A LAWYER, THE BALANCE OF POWER WOULD HAVE SHIFTED IRRVERSIBLY IN HIS FAVOR.
So, that being the situation, they didn't just get lucky that Jack Ruby came along and kiled him. Luck like that doesn't happen to anybody. They took matters in their own hands. They killed him. And they framed Ruby for it.

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