Wednesday, January 29, 2025

 The image on the left does a good job of showing that when Zapruder was on his pedestal shooting the top of Dealey Plaza, the intersection, there was no way the Stemmons Freeway sign could have entered his field of view. I'm sure he had to turn quite a bit to his right, coming down Elm, before the sign came into view. And that was my experience when I went there with a sign.

So, this proves that sign we see in the Zapruder film is bogus. It was added to the film. to function as a curtain. And the fact is that the whole story of the Zapruder film was built around that sign. Because: the story was that he came down the hill, and nothing happened until he disappeared behind the sign. Then, everything happened behind the sign and out of view to us. Everything, that is, except for the fatal head shot.

And it's interesting that in the first telling of the story, they just left it at that- that everything happened behind the sign. In the November 22, 1963 LIFE magazine, they presented frames and a story, and the story was that at 313, JFK just fell into Jackie. They did not include the fatal headshot. 11 months later, when they went back to the Zapruder film, they did include the fatal head shot. So, why didn't they include it on 11/29/63? The answer, I believe, is that they didn't know what story they were going to tell. because there were too many unknowns.

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