Monday, January 13, 2025

 People don't slap their hands to their chests after being shot. It's just something people do when they're playing, and usually, it's just kids who play like that.

But, in Kill Bill, Uma Thurmond was playing with her daughter, and when the daughter play-shot her, Uma pretended that she was shot and slapped her hand to her chest.
And she made her hand a fist. But, you can see her wrist there. I put a white line across it. And I put a similar white line across Oswald's wrist.
But, my point is that JFK-land is the only realm in the world in which photographic freakery is tolerated and endorsed. Imagine if Uma's hand looked like Oswald's. How would audiences have reacted? They would have asked, "What the hell is wrong with her hand?"
But, in the bloodied world of JFK, it's just brushed off, no matter how weird and preposterous it is. And again, the very idea that he would even do it is ridiculous. We know why she did it. She was playing. She was acting. Uma was acting as a character who was acting.

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