Saturday, January 11, 2025

 I found a new film about the JFK assassination; at least, it's new to me. It was made by National Geographic. I don't know when, but it includes Buell Frazier looking old, so I assume the film is rather recent.

It's 44 minutes long. I notice that the footage in it is sharper than usual. And it's also been colorized.
It includes the footage of Jack Ruby at the DPD, which was taken the night of the Midnight Press Conference, so about 1 AM Saturday morning. And because it's clearer and sharper, you can see what they did to his hair. It's like they gave him a clip-on hair extension. It made me recall the time we used clip-on hair extensions to lengthen the hair of an actress in one of my films.

Of course, in this case, it was done photographically, not physically. But, it sure does stand out.
And the reason they did it was because of the thick mane on the Garage Shooter, particularly in the Jackson photo, which is the most famous and widely circulated image of him.
And besides noticing the hair extension, notice how thin Ruby's neck was. He didn't have a thick, burly neck like the Garage Shooter. On the contrary, he had a pencil neck.
There is no way you can equate those two guys. They are light-years apart.

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