Wednesday, January 15, 2025

 I have found some of the worst photographic malfeasance yet from the JFK assassination, and more specitically the Oswald assassination.

It's from a newsreel which supposedly features the AP film. I don't recall that there was an AP film. But, the Shooter comes in, and we see his face, and he doesn't look like Ruby or Bookhout. And if you look closely at Oswld in the first frame (upper-left), he doesn't look like Oswald.
But, the second frame is after the shot, and you can plainly see that Oswald has not slapped hsi arm to his chest. The timer says that a second has past, but it could be close to 2 seconds. But then, it all goes to blur. Inexplicably, and for no reason at all, the film just happened to blur there.
And then, lo and behold, in the 4th frame, it goes to a Jackson-like photo, with Oswald doing the arm-slap.
Now, that isn't real. And the film ends on that. It doesn't continue because it can't, since it's not running film. You can't go from a still image that you inserted back to running film.
What this is is an attempt make it look like there was a film that captured the Jackson photo. No film did. The Jackson photo wasn't shot during the Spectacle. It was shot at a photo-shoot before the Spectacle.
You can watch it here: . First, they show the KRLD footage, and then they go to thie "AP" footage. I put AP in quotes because there was no AP flm. There was NBC, KRLD, George Phenix, and WFAA. That's it. I've been at this for over a decade, and I never heard of an AP film.
They reenacted this in such a way that they could segue to the Jackson photo and sell it as a progression. And the Osawld figure in the moving film was not Oswald. I'll prove it by putting them side by side.

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