Sunday, August 2, 2015

They took Martin out of the Moorman, and there is no doubt about it. So, let's put him back in. The man deserves it. He earned it. 

So, you've got the two helmeted motorcycle officers on the south side, and one on the north side who registers smaller because of the distance. What does this look like? I shall remind you:

Yes. That's the ticket. That's Yahtzee. And somebody at the FBI may have seen that frame from Muchmore after seeing the Moorman photo and realized that someone is going to think that Babushka Lady took it. (She did.) And granted, it makes a big difference getting him out of there.

See what I mean? It gives you a whole different perspective. It makes you feel physically closer to the Kennedys (which Mary Moorman was).  You get less of a sense that the photographer was shooting them from afar. And, it is a less complicated picture. 

So, there was an agency decision made in which it was decided that Martin had to go. They had to get him out of the "Moorman" photo. But of course, they had to get Mary's original back and change that one too. Hers probably only had one to begin with. Leastways, I'm sure the configuration was different. But, even though they returned it with a huge thumbprint (that was just an accident, of course; these things happen) she forgave them. Why? Because she was and is a loyal, patriotic American. Me? Not so much. 

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