Tuesday, July 9, 2019

  • Carl Silverman Ralph Cinque I SAID the box was (at least originally intended) for school yearbooks (after I googled the publisher). But the box could be used for returns of TEXTBOOKS to the warehouse, or as part of a contract between Taylor and TSBD for warehouse/shipping services. Neither of us knows and can not can make a claim of certainty.
  • Ralph Cinque Occam would slit your throat for all that speculating, and what you're really doing is making excuses- dreaming them up- to defend this bull shit, and why you're doing it, I don't know. The whole idea of the TSBD, a distributor of elementary school books, handling yearbooks is ridiculous in the first place.. The idea that the yearbooks would be unidentified is the next problem. The idea that it would get campy in describing them on the box is laughable. But, what takes the cake is the very idea of shipping books in a box that shape. That box is so wide, it would be difficult for a person to handle. If you had to shape it that way because of the shape of the object, that's different. But, we're talking about books, and you wouldn't use a box of that shape to transport books. The box is bogus, Carl. It is screaming out loud bogus.

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