Friday, July 12, 2019

I have been thinking about the practice of calling the Iraq War a "mistake" because it's happening again; we're hearing it again. 

We're hearing it again because we're into next election cycle, and Democrats are running. And since the Iraq War was a Republican War (not that Democrats did anything to try to stop it) it's strategic to talk about it as a mistake.

And the eerie thing is that they ALL use that word "mistake," repeating each other. It's like a "group think" going on. 

But, how can you call a decision and an order that has gotten over a million people killed a mistake? Mistake? It's a very glib word, isn't it? There is no emotion behind it, especially when you use the word by itself. Used by itself, "mistake" sounds pretty minor. And it's because there are so many minor mistakes, and I mean the every day kind. If you put a strong word in front of it, such as "catastrophic" then "mistake" takes on significance. But, these candidates, they don't do that. Not one has ever said that the Iraq War was a catastrophic mistake. They just say it was a mistake. 

And not only don't they qualify it as something horrific, they don't even mention the part that is horrific, and that is, the death toll of Iraqis, which is well over a million of them. 

The Physicians for Social Responsibility reported in 2011 that at least 1 million Iraqis had been killed by then, and obviously, a substantial number have been killed since then.

And yet, these candidates are very likely to mention the over 5000 Americans who lost their lives in the Iraq War.

But, not one word about the dead Iraqis, even though we CROSSED THE OCEAN to kill them.  We CROSSED THE FUCKIN' OCEAN. In other words, there was an ocean between them and us, so that any intention they may have had to harm us would was severely limited by this giant ocean that separated us from them. And yet, we still felt it necessary to cross that vast ocean to kill them because they were such a threat. 

And of course, we'd rather fight them over there them fight them over here. That stupid remark has been around for a long time, but it was said just the other day by the President of the United States, when he was talking to Tucker Carlson, and he said it like he was saying it and people were hearing it for the first time. But, he wasn't talking about Iraq actually; he was talking about Afghanistan.  

So, what, the Taliban are going to get in boats and cross two seas and one vast ocean to attack us over here?  I'm pretty sure they want to stay in Afghanistan. 

And Trump intimated that going to war in Afghanistan was a mistake too, but not as big a mistake as Iraq because there was, after all, the World Trade Center.  That's what he said. He didn't say 9/11. He never said 9/11, and I suspect he was advised not to say it.  

Of course, anyone with the intelligence of a gnat knows that it was monstrous to start the wholesale killing of Afghans because of 9/11.  The Afghan War  was monstrous to start even if the official story of 9/11 were true. Of course, it 's not true, and that  multiples  the monstrosness of starting that monstrous war into something unspeakable. 

So, calling the Iraq War a "mistake" has become a talking point. It's like political currency now. But, it's only said for self-benefit.  It's as far as one can go without enraging the Deep State, which does not allow mention of our monstrous crimes against the Iraqi people or the Afghan people.  If a Presidential candidate started speaking of the Iraq War truthfully, as a monstrous crime against Iraqi humanity, the corporate media would destroy them- that is, their Presidential campaign. They would be out of the race in no time. Might as well say that Oswald didn't kill Kennedy.  

Still, how do you ignore the killing of a million  people? I don't know because I can't ignore it.     

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