Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The story goes that what we see in Altgens 6 is another capture of what we see in Z255. If so, then there can be no contradictions and no discrepancies between the two. They are shot from different angles, but if they capture the same moment in time and space, then they have to be the same construct. There cannot be any "dealbreakers" as I call them. 

So, Kennedy has both elbows sticking out. You can see the right elbow plainly. You have to surmise where the left elbow is, but it's not hard to do, I have an arrow pointing to it. Note that his left arm is tightly flexed, meaning that it's flexed to the max. She has both hands on his arm, and it looks like she is completely surrounding his forearm with each of her hands. Her hands look they are quite close together, each grasping 180 degrees of his forearm. So, she is surrounding his forearm with her two hands. 

In Altgens, there is no elbow. Instead, we see a long wand of an arm that seems to go on forever. And note that the arm and the hand are too big. They loom too large. They are out of proportion to the rest of him. There is no connection between the arm and Kennedy. It is not derived from him. It is not connected to him. It is just something that is in front of him. 

Compare them. Go back and forth.

It really is a glaring difference; they are miles apart; and yet, they are supposed to be matching down to 1/18 of a second. That claim is ridiculous and preposterous. It's time to recognize that this is bogus.  

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