Sunday, March 9, 2014

Backes, you can get as decadent and disgusting as you want. It makes no difference to me. You are just showing the vile monster that you are. And there is no chance that it is going to change anything. It's not going to get Oswald out of the doorway. And that's where he is. We are seeing him there. It's his clothes. 

Here is the clearest image there is of Lee Harvey Oswald on November 22, 1963. I want you to notice how grainy Oswald's shirt really was. Do you see that it had a very fine grainy pattern, and it almost looks like white lines running through it? I'm sure it depended on the lighting to get that effect to manifest, and it didn't always manifest. But, in the bright sunlight of the TSBD doorway it did, and the contrast we see on Doorman's shirt is just the graininess magnified and distorted by the enlargement.

What we see above is excellent matching of the shirts, including the collars and lapels, the t-shirts with the notched effect, the ears, the chins, the mouths, the noses, and the eyes. Oswald has got longer hair and better coverage, but that's because they transferred Lovelady's hairline to Doorman. That is really the only thing about him that is Lovelady. Everything else is Oswald.  

That collage above is the revelation of evil; 50 years of evil. And if only it were limited to the past. The campaign to falsify the record of what happened on November 22, 1963 is still as active today as it ever was. And what's at stake is the legitimacy and moral authority of government and the honesty and integrity of media, and that is enough to make them fight to the nth degree. There is no limit to what they would spend, what they would fabricate, what they would do in order to keep the ruse going. Would they kill again? I hope not, but I don't for one second rule it out. If they did, it would probably be through multiple levels of disassociation, so that if anything went wrong, there would be no risk of culpability to officialdom.  

Take a look at that collage again. 

Imagine if thousands of billboards displaying that collage were swept across the country. Imagine if we rented the big billboard on Sunset Blvd in L.A. Imagine if we rented the electronic billboard in Times Square in New York. Rational minds would be swayed, and that's officialdom's greatest nightmare.  

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