Tuesday, March 4, 2014

I have heard from Bobby Quattro again, a guy that Joseph Backes thinks I conjured up:

Hi Ralph,

I'd like to know what Vincent Bugliosi would think of people impersonating him on JFK forums. Somebody says he doesnt have a computer but I dont buy that in 2014. Probably just an excuse he uses to hide from the backlash he gets from honest JFK researchers like you.

When the gatekeepers troll the web Im sure they have shown him your damaging open-letter. He is probably to scared to come out and voice his opinion on it. I STRONGLY think David Von Pein works for him in some way



I agree with you, Bobby, that Bugliosi is probably not as off-line as people are saying. And, it's tantalizing to think that somebody has shown him my Open Letter. 

And, it turns out that Bugliosi has his own blog, and it looks like it was made for him by David Von Pein:

These lone-nut Warren Commission devotees are in bed together for sure, and it's easy to see why. The CT community is very divided in comparison, however things are changing. The Doorman issue has become the central talking point of the JFK truth movement. Now, we are separating the wheat from the chaff, the phony from the real, and like never before. And the phony CTs, including Joseph Backes, Clark Rob, Charles Drago, Martin Shackleford, John Bevilaqua, and others are being called to task. The Doorman question has become the litmus test; the decisive issue in the whole study of the assassination.  

Do you, or do you not recognize that it's Oswald in the doorway and that every claim made for Lovelady is fake? And that includes the testimonies, the FBI statements, the film images of Lovelady, the work of Robert Groden in the late 70s, the work of the HSCA anthropologists.... all of it is FAKE, FAKE FAKE! 

Doorman is wearing Oswald's clothes, and he has Oswald's features all the way up to his eyes. Above that, they turned him into Lovelady, and it was a very smart thing to do. That's because people look at a person from the top down, not the bottom up. And the shape of the hairline and the shape of the top of the head have a colossal effect on how a person's looks register with us. 

But that match doesn't save them; it damns them. That's because Lovelady's hairline was no longer like that in 1963. He had lost a lot of hair. 

So, the one and only Lovelady feature on Doorman is fraudulent. It is no match to how Lovelady really was in November 1963. 

The controversy that once raged about this is over. There is no controversy left any more. Doorman was Oswald. Period. The only thing that remains unanswered is how fast the word can be spread. 

The recognition of Oswald in the doorway is a matter of historical inevitability. 

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