Sunday, March 9, 2014

Jesus Christ, Backes, you're stupid. I said that Dean made a valid point in terms of what the image shows. But, it's a bogus image. They altered it to make it that way. 

So, I am not endorsing the validity of the image. I am denouncing it. This is what Doorman looked like before they messed with it:

Now, do you understand my position, or do I have to explain it to you yet again? 

And regarding the sleeve coming down, NOBODY except you and the dead Richard E. Sprague claim that it's the arm of some mysterious other African-American. 

And let's be clear that for many months, Backes claimed it was Roy Lewis' arm going up. Remember this gem? 

But then Backes decided to bail on that and go with Sprague's idea instead, that it's another African-American even though Sprague NEVER posted any image of that other African-American. 

And now Backes is pointing to some indistinct contrast and implying that it has something to do with the other African-American.

What exactly are you claiming, Backes? Go ahead and spell it out. I'm sure it will be a doozey. 

Nobody but the dead Sprague you stole the idea from backs you, Backes. Not bpete, not Clark Rob, not O'Blase', not Klip Klop, and not even Robin Unger. Robin Unger proffered his own idea that it's the arm of somebody on Elm Street. That's what I recall him saying. Not one person has endorsed your claim. 

And we know it's Doorman's sleeve because we know it's Oswald's arm, and we know what he is doing with it, which is clasping his hands in front of his body, just as you see below. 

I'm afraid your last trip to Trembling Hills did you no good, Backes. So, double up on your Thorazine and go back to playing with your proscenium arches. That's all your capable of. 

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