Friday, March 7, 2014

Joseph Backes claims that in this image, this woman is waving with her left hand above her head. 

In that case, how is she holding that baby? She doesn't have her right arm going around it, and if her left arm is waving overhead, that leaves no arm available to hold the baby. 

This is checkmate. The impossibility that she could be holding that baby proves that the image is false. And if they created even one false image, it means that they were lying about what happened to JFK, that Oswald didn't do it,  and that he was standing in the doorway at the time.  

When Backes has no rational explanation he retreats into childish name-calling. He is stupid; he is infantile; and the notion that he is a "researcher" is ridiculous. He is just a self-serving blowhard whose IQ is in double digits and whose moral compass is completely missing. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: if Joseph Backes came across a newly discovered photograph that clearly showed Oswald in the doorway, he would sooner destroy it than admit that he was wrong. That is the depth of evil that we are talking about in this man. 

Backes says I deliberately distort images. Well, this image was taken off his webpage with no input from me. 

If it's distorted then you distorted it, Backes, because I just took it from you. Now, how is that woman holding that baby? She's waving at the President with her left arm, and her right arm is nowhere to be seen. How is she holding that baby? How is she holding that baby? How is she holding that baby? Your running away from the question only proves how despicable you are. Your evading the question only proves that truth means nothing to you, that you are a traitor to the cause of JFK truth and to your own readers. Not just I, but THEY deserve an answer. So, how is she holding up that baby? 

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