Sunday, November 2, 2014

It would have been a crime for Oswald to watch the motorcade knowing JFK was going to be killed without doing anything to stop it. 

To accuse him of that is a terrible thing, but to accuse him of it without any evidence is even worse. There is no evidence. It's just something Judyth Baker says, and she has no proof. 

I hope you realize that when life itself is on the line, we owe each other everything. In an emergency, we are all brothers and sisters. And in that emergency, Oswald owed Kennedy everything. 

When the mortal moment arrived, when it was live-or-die for Kennedy, Oswald had the legal and moral obligation to go to his aid to the max. I mean without limit.  To fight for him, to put his own life on the line for him, to give him the last full measure of devotion.    

This is an Oswald is Innocent page. Innocent means not only not pulling the trigger on Kennedy but protecting him, shielding him, preserving him, risking all for him.  Standing idly by while others killed him would have been cowardice and abandonment.  It would have been the ultimate betrayal. 

So, to believe that Oswald did that, you would have to have firm, solid, irrefutable evidence. But, you don't have it. It's just something that Judyth Baker and Richard Hooke are saying. And he's only saying it because she is saying it. 

I say there are good grounds to reject it. Oswald asked Junior Jarman that morning why people were gathering on the sidewalk out front because he really didn't know. Oswald said he ate his lunch, a cheese sandwich and an apple, shortly before the assassination, and how could he do that if he knew that JFK was about to be slaughtered? What kind of monster would he have been to be able to eat at a time like that, knowing that JFK was about to be slaughtered?

I implore you to defend Oswald against these baseless and scurrilous lies. If you think he's innocent, show it. Stand up for him. Just say no to Baker and Hooke. 


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