Sunday, November 2, 2014

You're right, Richard Hooke: I do not acknowledge the validity of Judyth's claims. You know as well as I do that she told us that Lee was burned with lite cigarettes on his face by the New Orleans Police. Regrettably, it was even on the OIC website for a while. Then, she changed it to him being tortured by pinching. 

But, how could you pinch someone to the point of scarring? Go ahead and pinch your own chin. See how hard you can do it. Do you think you could cause a mark that would still be present 3 months later? Without breaking the skin? And even if you did break the skin, and it bled some, it would probably heal spontaneously and not leave a scar. 

But, what are we talking about here? Oswald was not bloodied up by the New Orleans Police. When he got out the next morning, he went right to the newspaper office, and four days later, he did a television interview, and you can see that his face is infact. 

Fortunately, I wised up and removed all references to that on the OIC website.

Judyth Baker does not exonerate Oswald. She says that he knew full-well what was going on that day, and at the mortal moment, he just stood there and let Kennedy die. Easily, he could have run out into the street with his arms raised, and that would have stopped it. The limo driver was not going to plow through him. He would have hit the break. Police would have rushed to the scene with guns drawn, but it's unlikely they would have shot him since he wasn't armed. And that point, IT WOULD HAVE BEEN OVER. 

Think about it. Oswald was the patsy. If they could see that the patsy was in the street, and if they realized that everyone there could see it, and by that time cameras as well as guns would be trained on him, which means that the whole world would have known that Lee Harvey Oswald was standing in the street. Therefore, they could not have shot Kennedy because they had no patsy to blame it on. 

Besides, how could they shoot Kennedy if there was a guy in the street yelling that Kennedy was about to be shot? 

Don't you understand? Don't you get it?  It would have been over! Oswald could have stopped it! It's not that he might have been able to stop it; it's that he could have stopped it. And according to Judyth Baker, he didn't. According to her, he knew it was coming; he knew it was happening; but he just let Kennedy die like a dog in the street.

I wish to Almighty God that Oswald did know in advance because, unlike Judyth Baker, I have confidence that if he knew, he would have acted to save Kennedy. 


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