Saturday, August 8, 2015

No, Herbert Blenner. You are missing the forest for the trees. You're making a big deal about something that is not a problem. From the angle at which we are seeing Kennedy's head in Zapruder, it's hard to tell about the degree of leaning. But, what you can tell, and what you can compare with the Moorman photo is distance between JFK and Jackie. In Z-312, Jackie is TOO CLOSE to JFK. She is huddled with him. But, in the Moorman photo, they are quite far apart. They are distanced. And it is matching that distance that you have to do.   

In Z-312 Jackie is closer to JFK, and she is higher than JFK. The same is true in Z-313; Jackie is too high and too close. 

In 314, it's still that way.

In 315, it's starting to get right.

Do you see how Jackie had got her head lower on the left?

But, 316 is the best match of all.

Now, we have a low head on Jackie, and we also have some distance between their heads, which matches what we see in the Moorman photo.

So, Officialdom is right about this. Z-316 is the Zapruder frame which best matches the Moorman photo. 

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