Saturday, March 1, 2014

About the laughably stupid Thorburn hypothesis, I found out that on December 13, 1994, Julie Dunn contacted famed neuropathologist Dr. Jan Leestma and asked him about Lattimer's "Thorburn" theory. Dr. Leestma's response was:

"It seems to me that a reaction such as that would just never occur. I don't care if the sixth cervical segment was severed or just touched, the nerves in that area would not go into an immediate neurological reaction with arms flying up; they would fall limp. When you physically shock any nerve, the last thing it does is fire. It classically becomes electrically silent. Whether the spinal cord is directly hit or grazed, the nerve cords extending beyond the actual spine would be affected and fall silent."

And that is completely in keeping with what I was taught when I studied Neurology at Chiropratic college. So, Dr. Cinque agrees with Dr. Leestma.  The Thorburn idea as applied to JFK is bull shit; complete and total bull shit.  

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