Saturday, March 1, 2014

Idiot Unger is making a big deal out of me using aliases. I did it for a short while ONLY BECAUSE I COULDN'T POST AS MYSELF on certain forums for having been banned. For instance, when I wanted to get the word out on JFK Lancer about the Altgens reenactment, I used an alias. But, if they had let me post as Ralph Cinque, I most certainly would have. 

If these idiots knew how to think they would realize that posting as myself has always been my preference, and I have never sought to do otherwise. I have a Google account with the user name Firsk. I was asked to come up with a User Name, so I chose Firsk out of habit.  But it wasn't an alias; it was the name of my dog. In no way was I trying to hide that I was Ralph Cinque. 

You know, Unger, you are so damn stupid, I don't know how you survive. If there weren't other people providing your needs, you'd die. 

And here is what Unger is most famous for: claiming that this wizened old geezer is this petite young woman:

Good call, Unger. I'm sure she's got a big bicep under there that we can't see. You're such an idiot. 

OH, and by the way, Unger: it's too late for you to endorse Duncan MacRae's (bpete's) ridiculous idea that Lovelady piled his arrow on top of Fraizier's, and that they both drew them as wedges rather than arrows. If you do it now, it won't have any effect; it won't help him. It's too fucking late, Unger. 

And the same goes for you, Backes. It's too late. You didn't endorse it immediately, so don't bother now. You're just going to make it look worse. 

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