Monday, March 3, 2014

Aha! It's just like I thought you. I read you like a book, Tim Brennan.

On McAdams' forum, this Australian, Tim Brennan, was waxing on and on about the content of Thorburn's article about his patient with "complete transverse destruction" of the spinal cord at the level of C5/C6.  Thorburn reported that, while in a coma, the man underwent an involuntary contraction of the biceps and deltoids, as shown below. 

That's obviously a far cry from what we see JFK doing.

Brennan was claiming this and that, disputing that the man was unconscious, and chastising me for not reading the article. Well, you'd think that he'd post the article or at least a link to it, right? But no, he didn't offer a thing.

Naturally, I did my own searching around for it, and I finally found it. It's available online but only if you pay $38, and that's for one day's access:

Here it is more legible:

And here's the link:

So, why didn't Timmy at least tell us where to go to obtain the article? He apparently didn't want anyone to know that he ponied-up the $38. And why not? It's because it seems very excessive for an ordinary JFK "buff" to do that. 

But, Tim Brennan is NOT an ordinary JFK buff, believe you me. He is a JFK operative, a paid operative. He is paid to dissemble on the JFK assassination. And that $38 did not come out of his pocket. It came out of his expense account. 

And my suspicion that Brennan is a JFK Op started long before this. This only confirmed it.  

Look: there are a whole slew of paid operatives on the internet, swarming the JFK forums, trying hard to monopolize, control, and dominate the online discussions of the JFK assassination.  Where does the money come to pay them? Probably from various government intelligence agencies, such as the CIA, the Mossad, and M16 in the UK. But, it could easily be funneled through private and mysterious front companies with no visible connection to any government agencies. 

I've mentioned before that these JFK operatives are particularly concentrated in the UK, Duncan MacRae being one of them.

Why do they go to the UK to get people to do it? It provides protection from exposure being outside the US, but they're also English-speaking, which is obviously necessary. Australia has the same advantages.

Remember how bpete tried to hide the fact that he is in the UK? For a long time, he tried to say he was living on "an outlying US island". Yeah, it's called Great Britain.  

Two things I can guarantee you: Tim Brennan is just another JFK Op, and the Thorburn explanation that what we see Kennedy doing from the time he emerges from behind the Stemmons freeway sign until his brains are blown out was all reflex muscular action is pure, unadulterated bull shit. And I find it particularly disgusting. Thorburn position, my ass. 

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