Tuesday, March 4, 2014

And if you, Idiot Backass, had read Photographic Whitewash by Harold Weisberg you'd know that he maintained that Lovelady wore a shirt-sleeved striped shirt on 11/22/63, which completely rules out any chance that Lovelady was Doorman. And that, of course, was Weisberg's point. 

In fact, Weisberg later pointed out that whether Lovelady wore a striped shirt or a plaid shirt, it doesn't matter because Doorman's shirt is neither striped nor plaid. And that, of course is true.

Backes, these are clearly different men. They are not the same man 30 minutes apart in time. That is stupid. It is maniacal in view of such vast differences in both the men and the clothing. 

And, you've got the brain the size of a peacock. If you admit that they were altering images BEFORE the assassination in order to frame Oswald, then why wouldn't they do it AFTER, including immediately after? 

And stop saying that the Altgens photo went out to the world at 1:03. It's a lie, Backes! We have it in writing that it went out to the AP headquarters in New York and then to other AP offices, but the world had to wait. Paul Rigby even stated that the AP did this at a cost to themselves- to their own disadvantage. 

Backes, if they could lie about Oswald taking a bus ride and a cab ride, and come up with phony witnesses for it, and even a phony bus transfer ticket, why couldn't they lie about when the Altgens photo came out? It was taken at 12:30, so how could it be walked over to the Dallas Morning News, developed, dried, examined, had a caption written,  and wired out all in half an hour? And remember that there were 7 Altgens photos altogether, and who knows? Maybe he took more. I've never heard of a roll of film limited to 7 shots. He must have started with a fresh roll, right? So,  maybe some were discarded. That would have taken time too. 

The 30 minute timeframe from when it was taken to when it went out to the world is just bull shit, Backes. There is no proof of that. It is not "verifiable" at all. You are just choosing to believe it because bending over and grabbing your ankles for officialdom is what you do because you are, at heart, an apologist for the official story. You collude and get comfy with lone-nutters like Gary Mack. You defend the media, including the Dallas Morning News, WFAA television, and more. And you even collude with bpete who places Oswald on the 6th floor "locking and loading" on Kennedy. YOU DON'T CARE, BACKES! You don't care about Kennedy. You don't care about Oswald. You don't care about the truth. And you are NOT a researcher, you dumb fuck. 

The IDIOT said: "I have not denied that there is no photographic alteration in any JFK assassination related photographs and films."

Albany is a long way from Mexico, Backes, and in English, we don't use the double negative. So, I presume you mean that you don't deny that there is ANY photographic alteration in the JFK alteration. 

OK, now tell us: which JFK-related photos and films do you admit were altered? I want to know, Backes, so cough it up. 

Backes, there is no doubt that the Altgens photo was altered because we can see the alterations in it. We can see that they blackened out the face of Black Hole Man. We can see that they whited out the face of Obfuscated Man. We can see that they enlarged the hair of the Smiling Black Woman. We can see that Black Tie Man is too crude to be legit, and his juxtaposition to Doorman is impossible. We can see that Doorman's left shoulder is missing. We can see that the Woman and Boy are not real, since she could not possibly be holding him up with one arm without being Superwoman. And we can see that Roy Lewis as he appears in the Altgens doorway is fake since he was never facing in that direction, and he could not possibly be that close to Doorman. We even see Doorman's shirt cuff in front of Roy Lewis' neck, which is utterly impossible. Roy Lewis was standing against the west wall and looking west, as we see him doing in the Wiegman film, and he was largely out of view to Altgens. 

So, we have tons of evidence to KNOW beyond any doubt that the Altgens photo was altered and multiple times. And, it is evidence that outweighs your stupid claims about the Altgens timeline. You really are dumber than dirt. 

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